Saturday, November 24, 2007

Accidentally in Langkawi

Last Saturday, after watching dramas till 2 a.m, I just wish to enjoy a good rest in bed. However, I was dragged from the bed and later, I found myself in the jetty, holding a ticket to Langkawi. My parents asked four of us, siblings, to go to a kenduri in the kampung as they couldn't go. (Exams!!.. haha) And because of the extremely large number of people, we just managed to get a 1030 am boat. ( We reached the jetty as early as 9 am- it's a damn long wait and the boat only departed half an hour later!)

So, when we arrived there-quickly, we tooked a taxi-then went to the kenduri. After having that delicious kari kambing, we went salam-salamlah. And as usual, I got the same greeting years after years. " Ni Hidayah?? (sometimes, they call me with a different name that I need not to mention here) Amboi... da besaqqq daaaaah.... talk, talk, talk, ask, ask, ask, answer, answer, just smile, blank, just smile again.... you get the situation...

We went home at 530 pm. As we're in hurry, I just managed to grab some chocolates. And these so-called SOME chocolates made me lose 40 ringgit. Haiz~~

The journey back was terrible. Our seats were in front of the toilet. Can you imagine holding your breath for an hour?

But still, I just loooooove to watch the beautiful waves. ^___^

**layan jiwang...haha**

1 comment:

Byul said...

lme eh xjenguk
bz exam weh..non stop!
oh p langkawee
and i get the part salam2 one..haigohh..all u hve to do is smile =p and be polite..ahahah~~
untung2 dpt mak mentua wehh.. =p