Saturday, November 17, 2007


You Are An Orange Girl

You live in the fast lane. You love action, risk, and competition.
You're spontaneous, enthusiastic, and persuasive.
But you're also easily bored - and love to rebel against structures.
You resent rules ... as well as people's attempts to control you!

You Are 16% Girly

Um... you're a guy, right? If not, you're the most boyish girl in the world.
And for you, that's probably the ultimate compliment.

What Your Handwriting Says About You

You are highly energetic. You are a passionate, intense, vigorous person.

You are somewhat outgoing, but you're not a natural extrovert. You think first before you act. You tend to be independent, rational, and logical.

You are balanced and grounded. You know how to get along well with others.

You need a lot of space in your life, and it's easy for you to feel stifled. You avoid commitment and responsibility whenever you can.

You are somewhat traditional, but you are also open to change. You listen to your head and your heart.

You are a good communicator. You work hard to get your ideas across effectively.

You are a Brainy Girl!

Whether you're an official student or a casual learner, you enjoy hitting the books.
You know a little bit about everything, and you're always dying to know more.
For a guy to win your heart, he's got to share some of your intellectual interests.
A awesome book collection of his own doesn't hurt either!

You Are 50% Grown Up, 50% Kid

You've grown up a good bit, but you still have a way to go before you're emotionally mature.
You have the skills to control your emotions, you just have to use them.

You Should Drive a Red Car

You're the type of driver who isn't afraid to be the fastest on the road.
You have a lot of energy built up, and you tend to get your adrenaline fix from driving.
Moving at hyper speed, you tend to be annoyed with slow drivers and slow people.
Life's too short to be slowed down by someone else!


Byul said...

16% girly??
i'd expect more than dat from u

will post later kot in mine about those tests as well
i just love blogthings! i think dats what it's called kan?

hoho nway i've exam in less than 10hrs.OMG
i need luck =p

innani-HiDaYaH said...

i take dat as a compliment nway =P
u shud see how they judge a girl
-pink items
-nail polish

sooo un-ME !!

nway..gud lck.. believe urself..
n i believe u can do it!