Monday, November 19, 2007

Excessive Downloading

Main Point : Excessive Downloading
Specific Items : Westlife thingy
Current Mode: Falling for Westlife (again and again)
... yeah, i noe that they are VETERAN... still gorgeous..haha

+and Shane is super cute+

+Mark is in the 2nd place now+
(yeah.. i noe dat he is a gay.. no need to mention dat)

p/s: sorry Zeh, but peep change.. ngehehe =P

++i luv this song++

-well, talking bout d good old days...-

1 comment:

MinniE said...

ak punye choice mmg tepat dr azali
ang jgnla nyibukkkkkk
shane tu dah jd bapak org tau
anak die sgt chumel
nme Nicole

btw, bukan dlu2 pn minat bapak org ka?