Saturday, December 22, 2007

Thursday, December 20, 2007

IQ Survey

Free IQ Test Score - Quick Free IQ Test

 Yeah... sure I wish it is higher
[somewhat like Kindaichi; his IQ is 180] - Dumb?

Gee ^_^...I'm not pretty dumb as I thought.... 

*-- in the process of motivating myself--*    =P

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Happy Eid-Adha...

Few days back, I went to visit Ayu whom still in the process of recovering from an operation. Wish you get well son yea!
[And to think that you still remember my birthday although you had an operation...hmm, I'm really2 thankful for that] =P 

Oh yeah...on the same day, I was informed that Azira's Dad sudah pulang ke rahmatullah. 
Be strong Azira. We will always be by your side. 

Today is
Eid-Adha. After solat, I just went straight home. =P
Maybe this evening I'll start
turun padang. *sigh*
Meeting my old friends seem like a good idea... =)

So, Happy Eid-Adha.
[Bersamalah2 kita menghayati maksud sebenar Aidil Adha]

*dan ingatlah kepada insan2 yg berduka di saat kita bergembira...*

Saturday, December 15, 2007

15 Dec

Today, it is 15 Dec. My birthday.Yep, not a big deal. Just another day. But why it bother me so much. Perhaps, because it is my last still-in-Malaysia birthday. Well, I don't know why, but I just did- I choose to turn off "show my birthday' on Friendster. And as I already thought... not so many wishes like last years. But then, I'm glad... it's like differentiate acquaintance and friend, friends and real friends. I mean...people whom always beside me did wish. It's not that I'm bothered with this wishing thingy, but I'm really2 glad that people that I considered as FRIEND FOR LIFE did wish. -Luv Ya Guys-

-for some peep whom do understand-

But then, something that I wish doesn't happen. Well, it's a plain life after all. But why I still bother when things do not come the way I imagine (although I know that it's impossible).

Miracle always happen, but it just doesn't happen to me

Sunday, December 9, 2007

An Unexpected Trip

Yeah..finally, I’m back! There were so many things that need to be done last week at OSSP, and I’m glad that I can get rid of those university applications. But this entry is not about those university applications, this entry is about the unexpected trip to FRIM.

It all started when Haziq and I met Dinah and Haidhar at Ossp. So, we agreed on joining them going to FRIM. At first, Haziq couldn’t go, but at last, Haziq’s Dad gave the permission.(Yeay!!) On that very day, we woke up early (this fact should be amazing coz it was holiday =P ) and started our journey around 7 am.

It was raining when we reached there. Therefore, there’s nothing much that we can do. So, our first destination was an old bungalow that was turned into something like a preservation center (or something like that). There were many frogs specimen there, and also a python specimen. However, the most fascinating thing there was those footprints of wild animals. I think that is a very creative way to decorate the floor.

The real challenge (at least for me) began when we started to venture into the forest. It should be enjoyable, with all those refreshing sceneries, cool water, and friends. But, it was ruined upon encountering leeches. Oh yeah... I never thought that I'm that afraid of them. It just that, at first, it was okay when I got my first bite, but when the leeches started to do their massive attacks on me, (somehow, I become their major target) I could not stand it anymore. As far as I counted, there were 21 leeches that attacked me...and I guess they were more than that. I did beg anyone who's near to help me get rid of those leeches. Gee... I might act like a brat, or a burden, but seriously, I'm really2 scared of the leeches. SORRY GUYS if I was troublesome that day...

After Zohor, we went to wetland. It's great to stare at the lake, listening to birds' chirp with my friends around. Our last visit was the FRIM museum. We are not supposed to get in (due to the construction), but well... let just pretend that we didn't know that.

People said, no pain no gain. Guess it's true as my leg still hurts (I fell) and the leeches bite sometimes itch(hope it's not infection). Yet, this unexpected trip had made me gained lotsa new experiences especially the leeches part. Perhaps, Haziq is right- The experiences with leeches is something that could not be described by words...

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

It's Supposed To Be Holiday

University application is RUINING my holiday!!

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Accidentally in Langkawi

Last Saturday, after watching dramas till 2 a.m, I just wish to enjoy a good rest in bed. However, I was dragged from the bed and later, I found myself in the jetty, holding a ticket to Langkawi. My parents asked four of us, siblings, to go to a kenduri in the kampung as they couldn't go. (Exams!!.. haha) And because of the extremely large number of people, we just managed to get a 1030 am boat. ( We reached the jetty as early as 9 am- it's a damn long wait and the boat only departed half an hour later!)

So, when we arrived there-quickly, we tooked a taxi-then went to the kenduri. After having that delicious kari kambing, we went salam-salamlah. And as usual, I got the same greeting years after years. " Ni Hidayah?? (sometimes, they call me with a different name that I need not to mention here) Amboi... da besaqqq daaaaah.... talk, talk, talk, ask, ask, ask, answer, answer, just smile, blank, just smile again.... you get the situation...

We went home at 530 pm. As we're in hurry, I just managed to grab some chocolates. And these so-called SOME chocolates made me lose 40 ringgit. Haiz~~

The journey back was terrible. Our seats were in front of the toilet. Can you imagine holding your breath for an hour?

But still, I just loooooove to watch the beautiful waves. ^___^

**layan jiwang...haha**

Friday, November 23, 2007

Positive Thinking

Father: "I want you to marry a girl of my choice."

Son: "I will choose my own bride!"

Father: "But the girl is Bill Gate's daughter."

Son: "Well, in that case... ok"

Next Father approaches Bill Gates.

Father: "I have a husband for your daughter."

Bill Gates: "But my daughter is too young to marry!"

Father: "But this young man is vice-president of the World Bank."

Bill Gates: "Ah, in that case... ok"

Finally Father goes to see the president of the World Bank.

Father: "I have a young man to be recommended as your vice-president. "

President: "But I already have more vice-presidents than I need!"

Father: "But this young man is Bill Gate's son-in-law."

President: "Ah, in that case... ok"

This is how business is done!!


Even if you have nothing, you can get anything. But your attitude should be positive.

p/s : erm... Bill Gates ade anak laki x ??? haha...

Mee Bandung Muor?

A friend of mine constantly proclaims that Mee Bandung Muor sedap. So, some works need to be done to prove the theory. And yeah... I'm glad to eat home-made one. (of course, most works are done by my mum... haha)

sepinggan lengkap yg sedap

p/s: however, i still prefer laksam...ngahaha

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Some Thoughts

What is the purpose of a blog? For me, blog is a place where one can freely express himself/herself. Lately, somehow, I got carried away. I keep on thinking what should I post to attract the readers rather than giving the chance for me to be me.

Sometimes, I'm afraid to say something that contradicts to the public view. So, blog, supposed and should be my place to express thoughts. It just that, now I find that it's quite hard to find people who I can really share my views. (And yeah... that makes me miss my old friends, esp KKR-ians... T_T)

Monday, November 19, 2007

Excessive Downloading

Main Point : Excessive Downloading
Specific Items : Westlife thingy
Current Mode: Falling for Westlife (again and again)
... yeah, i noe that they are VETERAN... still gorgeous..haha

+and Shane is super cute+

+Mark is in the 2nd place now+
(yeah.. i noe dat he is a gay.. no need to mention dat)

p/s: sorry Zeh, but peep change.. ngehehe =P

++i luv this song++

-well, talking bout d good old days...-

If You Love Someone...


- The New Versions................


If you love someone, Set him free .... If he ever comes back, he's yours, If he doesn't, as expected, he never was.


If you love someone, Set him free .... If he ever comes back, he's yours, If he doesn't, here's the poison, suicide yourself.


If you love someone, Set him free .... Don't worry, he will come back.


If you love someone, Set him free .... If he ever comes back, ask him why.


If you love someone, Set him free .... If he doesn't comes back within some time forget him.


IF you love someone, Set him free .... If he doesn't come back, continue to wait until he comes back


If you love someone, Set him free .... If he comes back, and if you love him still, set him free again and again and again.....

C++ Programmer:

If(you-love(m_him)) m_him. free() if(m_he == NULL) m_he= new Chim;

Animal-Rights Activist:

If you love someone, Set him free, In fact, all living creatures deserve to be free!!


If you love someone, Set him free, Clause 1a of Paragraph 13a-1 in the second amendment of the Matrimonial Freedom Act clearly states that....

Bill Gates:

If you love someone, Set him free, If he comes back, I think we can charge him for re-installation fees but tell him that he's also going to get an upgrade.


If you love someone, Set him free, he'll evolve.


If you love someone, Set him free, If he loves you, the probability of him coming back is high If he doesn't, the Weibull distribution and your relation was improbable anyway.

Schwarzenegger's fans:

If you love someone, Set him free, HE'LL BE BACK!


If you love someone, Set him free .... If he ever comes back, deal! If he doesn't, so what! "NEXT".

Insurance agent:

If you love someone, Show him the plan .... If he ever comes back, sign him up, If he doesn't, keep follow up with him and never give up!


If you love someone, Set him free .... If he ever comes back, it's the law of gravity, If he doesn't, either there's friction higher than the force or the angle of collision between two objects did not synchronize at the right angle.


If you love someone, Set him free .... If he ever comes back, 1 + 1 = 2 (peanut!), If he doesn't, Y = 2X - log(0.46Y^2 + (cos (52/34X)) x 5Y^(-0.5)c) where c is the infinite constant of no turning point.

Nowadays' style:

If You Love Someone, Set him free, If he Comes Back, he is Yours

If he Doesn't, Hunt him Down and Kill him...!!!


If you love someone WHY IN THE FIRST PLACE SET HIM FREE???

Saturday, November 17, 2007


You Are An Orange Girl

You live in the fast lane. You love action, risk, and competition.
You're spontaneous, enthusiastic, and persuasive.
But you're also easily bored - and love to rebel against structures.
You resent rules ... as well as people's attempts to control you!

You Are 16% Girly

Um... you're a guy, right? If not, you're the most boyish girl in the world.
And for you, that's probably the ultimate compliment.

What Your Handwriting Says About You

You are highly energetic. You are a passionate, intense, vigorous person.

You are somewhat outgoing, but you're not a natural extrovert. You think first before you act. You tend to be independent, rational, and logical.

You are balanced and grounded. You know how to get along well with others.

You need a lot of space in your life, and it's easy for you to feel stifled. You avoid commitment and responsibility whenever you can.

You are somewhat traditional, but you are also open to change. You listen to your head and your heart.

You are a good communicator. You work hard to get your ideas across effectively.

You are a Brainy Girl!

Whether you're an official student or a casual learner, you enjoy hitting the books.
You know a little bit about everything, and you're always dying to know more.
For a guy to win your heart, he's got to share some of your intellectual interests.
A awesome book collection of his own doesn't hurt either!

You Are 50% Grown Up, 50% Kid

You've grown up a good bit, but you still have a way to go before you're emotionally mature.
You have the skills to control your emotions, you just have to use them.

You Should Drive a Red Car

You're the type of driver who isn't afraid to be the fastest on the road.
You have a lot of energy built up, and you tend to get your adrenaline fix from driving.
Moving at hyper speed, you tend to be annoyed with slow drivers and slow people.
Life's too short to be slowed down by someone else!

Friday, November 16, 2007


Yesterday, due to the boring atmosphere, due to the nothing-ness, due to (suprisingly) lots of 'Saji' books in my house (yeah...only come to realize it after I arranged them)... I decided to make cookies.

So, it was a Flour-Toying Day. ^__^

taadaaa..!!!~~i luv the smell ..


my mum said... "ni nak maen ka, nak wat keja??"

and it was called a "Flour-Toying" Day for a reason...

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Mega Project

I juz realized that it had been bout more than a week I had been home, and yet, I haven't done something big. My life keep going with daily routines. So suddenly, I decided to rearrange the books in the bookshelves. Oh yeah... I grew up with books. Books, books, books... everywhere in my house. And just today I realized that there are 9 books shelves in my house (excluding each study table that we have). Rearranging those books and magazines that had been collected since I was small (and some of them are older than me) into their very own types and categories can be a major source of pain. Yeah...really. I started this job since yesterday evening, and till today, it haven't finished yet.

So far, I just have finished sorting the magazines. Somehow, it turned out to be a mini library. Yeah..maybe tomorrow I gonna put labels on each shelf. (*Sigh*... some more work to do)

these magazines are hard to get here... but so far, we manage to have a large stack of them...

one of my collection

some of the comics...

and they have their own shelves... (and since when I buy those???)

the nearly-done magazines shelf... (yeah...i should put labels after this)