Saturday, December 22, 2007

Thursday, December 20, 2007

IQ Survey

Free IQ Test Score - Quick Free IQ Test

 Yeah... sure I wish it is higher
[somewhat like Kindaichi; his IQ is 180] - Dumb?

Gee ^_^...I'm not pretty dumb as I thought.... 

*-- in the process of motivating myself--*    =P

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Happy Eid-Adha...

Few days back, I went to visit Ayu whom still in the process of recovering from an operation. Wish you get well son yea!
[And to think that you still remember my birthday although you had an operation...hmm, I'm really2 thankful for that] =P 

Oh yeah...on the same day, I was informed that Azira's Dad sudah pulang ke rahmatullah. 
Be strong Azira. We will always be by your side. 

Today is
Eid-Adha. After solat, I just went straight home. =P
Maybe this evening I'll start
turun padang. *sigh*
Meeting my old friends seem like a good idea... =)

So, Happy Eid-Adha.
[Bersamalah2 kita menghayati maksud sebenar Aidil Adha]

*dan ingatlah kepada insan2 yg berduka di saat kita bergembira...*

Saturday, December 15, 2007

15 Dec

Today, it is 15 Dec. My birthday.Yep, not a big deal. Just another day. But why it bother me so much. Perhaps, because it is my last still-in-Malaysia birthday. Well, I don't know why, but I just did- I choose to turn off "show my birthday' on Friendster. And as I already thought... not so many wishes like last years. But then, I'm glad... it's like differentiate acquaintance and friend, friends and real friends. I mean...people whom always beside me did wish. It's not that I'm bothered with this wishing thingy, but I'm really2 glad that people that I considered as FRIEND FOR LIFE did wish. -Luv Ya Guys-

-for some peep whom do understand-

But then, something that I wish doesn't happen. Well, it's a plain life after all. But why I still bother when things do not come the way I imagine (although I know that it's impossible).

Miracle always happen, but it just doesn't happen to me

Sunday, December 9, 2007

An Unexpected Trip

Yeah..finally, I’m back! There were so many things that need to be done last week at OSSP, and I’m glad that I can get rid of those university applications. But this entry is not about those university applications, this entry is about the unexpected trip to FRIM.

It all started when Haziq and I met Dinah and Haidhar at Ossp. So, we agreed on joining them going to FRIM. At first, Haziq couldn’t go, but at last, Haziq’s Dad gave the permission.(Yeay!!) On that very day, we woke up early (this fact should be amazing coz it was holiday =P ) and started our journey around 7 am.

It was raining when we reached there. Therefore, there’s nothing much that we can do. So, our first destination was an old bungalow that was turned into something like a preservation center (or something like that). There were many frogs specimen there, and also a python specimen. However, the most fascinating thing there was those footprints of wild animals. I think that is a very creative way to decorate the floor.

The real challenge (at least for me) began when we started to venture into the forest. It should be enjoyable, with all those refreshing sceneries, cool water, and friends. But, it was ruined upon encountering leeches. Oh yeah... I never thought that I'm that afraid of them. It just that, at first, it was okay when I got my first bite, but when the leeches started to do their massive attacks on me, (somehow, I become their major target) I could not stand it anymore. As far as I counted, there were 21 leeches that attacked me...and I guess they were more than that. I did beg anyone who's near to help me get rid of those leeches. Gee... I might act like a brat, or a burden, but seriously, I'm really2 scared of the leeches. SORRY GUYS if I was troublesome that day...

After Zohor, we went to wetland. It's great to stare at the lake, listening to birds' chirp with my friends around. Our last visit was the FRIM museum. We are not supposed to get in (due to the construction), but well... let just pretend that we didn't know that.

People said, no pain no gain. Guess it's true as my leg still hurts (I fell) and the leeches bite sometimes itch(hope it's not infection). Yet, this unexpected trip had made me gained lotsa new experiences especially the leeches part. Perhaps, Haziq is right- The experiences with leeches is something that could not be described by words...